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How to make a Valentine's Day card with a cookie cutter


Valentines´s day DIY card

Show your love and appreciation with a heartfelt, handmade card this Valentine's Day. This easy-to-follow guide will teach you how to make a one-of-a-kind card using a heart-shaped cookie cutter.

What you will need for your Valentine's Day card:

  • White harder paper or cardboard

  • Heart-shaped cookie cutter

  • Paintbrush

  • Tempera Paints KOH-I-NOOR

  • Scissors

  • Masking tape

  • Decorative elements (gold paint, glitter, gold pen)

Make an original Valentine's Day card with us using a cookie cutter!

Step by step procedure

1. Prepare your workspace

Clear off a table and gather all of your supplies. Having everything organized will make the card-making process quick and easy!

2. Stick the masking tape

Carefully place the masking tape on the white paper, creating a stripe across the center. Once the paint is dry, the tape can be easily removed. Select a tape width that complements the size of your cookie cutter.

Use masking tape for your DIY card
Put the masking tape roughly in the middle of the paper.

3. Handprint the heart

Apply tempera paint to the cutter's edge and press it onto the paper. Let it dry.

Paint cookie cutter with tempera paint
Handprint the cookie cutter onto the paper over the tape.

4. Finish painting the heart with a brush

Fill the inside of the heart with the same colour or paint it a different shade you like.

Use tempera paints to fill the heart
Finish painting the heart with a brush dipped in tempera paint.

5. Create more hearts

Make a pattern by pressing the hearts next to each other using different colors. Then, randomly color the inside of all the hearts.

Adding more hearts to the DIY Valentine´s card
Press the cutter onto the paper several times.

6. Add gold outlines or glitter

 For extra sparkle, add glitter or gently tap a brush loaded with paint to create tiny flecks around the hearts. Let the finished design dry completely.

Cookie cutter DIY Valentine´s card
Coat the cookie cutter with gold paint and print it on paper.

7. Take off the masking tape carefully from your Valentine's Day card

Almost finished DIY KOH-I-NOOR Valentine´s card
Carefully remove the masking tape from the handmade Valentine's Day card.

8. Write a personal message on the Valentine's Day card

You can finish it by adding a heartfelt message.

Valentines´s day DIY KOH-I-NOOR card
Handmade Valentine's Day card with a personalized message

That is all! You have now created your unique valentine. Enjoy the creative process and feel free to share your lovely creations with us!

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